PTO Meeting Tonight, Trunk or Treat, Bake Sale and Parent’s Night Out

Good morning,

We hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend!

Tonight is our 2nd PTO meeting of the year.  It will take place at 6:30 PM in the media center.  We hope you can join!

Below are reminders about a few upcoming events:

  • Today marks the first day of candy collection for Trunk or Treat.  It will run through Friday, October 25th at 12 PM.  The grade to donate the most candy (by weight) wins an ice cream or pizza party; whichever they choose.

  • Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 26th, 11 AM – 1 PM.  Currently, we only have 5 families signed up to decorate their trunks; yet we need 20 to make it a successful event.  Please let us know if you are willing to participate!

  • Tuesday, November 5th is election day and the 5th grade students/parents will be hosting a bake sale.  Please contact Jenelle O’Neil @ with questions.  Please also refer to the attached bake sale flyer to donate baked goods, etc. 

  • Parent’s Night Out is Friday, November 15th at the Nickerson Post, 7 PM – 11 PM.  Tickets are $20/person which include a DJ and light appetizers.  Cash bar.

Please contact us with questions. 

Best Regards,

The PTO Board