No December PTO meeting. Next meeting is tentatively set for January 9.
PTO Meeting Minutes…11/16/17
In attendance were Mr. Sylvia, Dr. Bloom, President Kenda Coulter, VP Sarah Wood, Treasurer Anthony Greenwood, Secretary of Communications Trina Ruggiero & assembled parents.
Mr. Sylvia’s report: Parent conferences will be 12/12 & 12/19. 12/12 will be the date that has both evening and afternoon appointments. Printed report cards will go home 12/8. Big thanks to Jen Bergin and family for the flags in our front lawn for Veteran’s Day. With all the donations that were given, there were gift cards purchased and donated to Veterans. The Veteran’s Day assembly featured Bruce Ayers speaking to the students about Veteran’s Affairs. The 5th graders did a walkathon at Creedon Field with some veterans.
A small subcommittee (Kenda, Paul, & Mr. Sylvia) discussed technology and what the best way to spend the earnings from the fun run (chrome books, projectors, etc.).
We had a very successful canned food drive!
Kindergarten was the grade with the most fun run pledges so they will have a smoothie party thanks to the wellness team. Officer Hartnett will drive Raylee Gunter and two friends to school. Raylee had the most fun run pledges over Columbus Day weekend.
Tuesday 11/21 will be the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast.
Read Across America (first week in March), will feature an assembly called “I Love to Read”. We voted to fund this at this PTO meeting.
Upcoming dates:
Tis the Season Symphony & Song: 12/11 (Granite Electric has donated a limited number of tickets for students).
Conferences: 12/12 & 12/19
Polar Express: 12/14
Winter concert: 12/15
Anthony reported that we had a very successful bake sale raising almost $1,800.
Kenda: Theme for next year’s fun run is Mind Spark. We voted to use the same company for next year’s fun run at this PTO meeting. Other companies were looked into and the cost/percentages were the same.
PBIS is looking to put up signage with inspirational messages for the students.
Paul: Talked about applying for affiliate marketing. This would allow companies (for example: Amazon), put ads or banners on our site or emails. If parents do a click through on these banners, we would receive a percentage of the profit that the company receives from it.
Dave’s citywide report: Dave wasn’t present at this meeting but Kenda shared an email that he sent her. At the citywide meeting, they discussed pros and cons of elected school committee members. They also discussed a pending state bill that would increase recess time by 20 minutes. Also discussed an organization called Visions Incorporated which visits high schools and middle schools to talk about empathy, diversity, acceptance.
No December PTO meeting. Next meeting is tentatively set for January 9.