PTO Minutes for September 18, 2018
In attendance were Mr. Sylvia, Dr. Bloom, Mrs. Kiley, PTO board members (Kenda Coulter, Sarah Wood, Anthony Greenwood, Heather Morkan, Trina Ruggiero, and Citywide Rep. Dave Blaton), and assembled parents.
Mr. Sylvia: Bus schedules are a little off at the beginning of the school year (as expected), but it has been a smooth transition. Mayor Koch says Squantum is next to get a new school building. Enhancements to bathrooms are on a to-do list. “Speed bumps” out back were actually put in to change the route of the water run off so its not going toward houses. Savannah Sandpiper has been painted in the middle of the gym floor which reminds students of positive behavior (PBIS). Skinner Overlook is helping to take care of the outdoor classroom. BOKS will start up on 10/1 and will run on Monday & Wednesday mornings. Quincy Artsfest had artwork from some Squantum students including one who won an award: Thomas Ahearn from the 5th grade. Band instrument demo was last Monday for grades 4-5. Judy Lai (music teacher), had her baby last spring and will be returning to school on 10/12. Traffic & Safety: please drive with the flow of traffic, park on the opposite side of Huckins, and always use the crosswalk. No cars are to enter the back lot for drop off or pick up…this area is reserved for the busses. Please send a note if a dismissal is planned for your child or if someone else is picking them up. Summer reading winner will be drawn to win a bike courtesy of Bruce Ayers. He will join us for our Veterans Day assembly. MCAS scores from last school year should be at the school the last week in September and then mailed home first or second week of October. Local children’s author, Kate Hanscom will be coming to visit grades K-2.
Picture Day: 10/4
Fun Run: 10/12 is the pep rally and when raising funds can start. The run is 10/23. This year’s theme is Mind Spark.
Next PTO meeting is 10/10
Monster Mash: 10/26
Election Day Bake Sale: 11/6
Book Fair: 11/9-11/16
Possible movie night in November too (maybe 11/2).
The schools citywide are looking to hire more lunch matrons. Please email Mr. Sylvia if interested.
Anthony: Account is looking good.
(Mr. Sylvia)…Possibilities to use some money toward interactive technology in every grade except K. Would be a big project. Another big ticket idea would be new furniture to update the media center.
Dave: At last Citywide meeting, they talked about chaotic drop off and pick ups. 10/17 the movie Screenagers will play at Central Middle School. Squantum PTO is donated $50 toward the rental fee of this movie. As a reminder, anyone is welcome at the Citywide meetings.
Kenda: Volunteer opportunities:
Docent art (run by Julie Hart), Reading Counts, Fun Run, Bake Sale on 11/6. We might be putting some of the bake sale funds toward things for the 5th graders such as t-shirts and yearbooks.
Next PTO meeting is 10/10. Tentative schedule for remaining months is:
11/15, 12/11, 1/16, 2/12, 3/13, 4/11, 5/7.