Ms Hourin (4th grade teacher) did an awesome job showing us the power of the Mobi! Please check out a Mobi (Mobile Interactive Whiteboard) at their website.
- Quick Introduction by Andrea (covering for Kathy who broke her ankle) and Mr Sylvia.
- Steven Hansen from Baystate Textiles talked to us about the Recycling Program and bin in the back of Squantum School.
- Mr Sylvia wanted everyone to look for library books that need to be returned. There are quite a few missing.
- Summer Reading Program will take place this summer thanks to Rep Ayers (gives a free bike to the best reader)
- Also Study Island and Fast Math will be taking place during the summer.
- Special Olympics will take place this Friday June 1st at 10am at Pageant Field.
- June 5th there will be a field day. We are looking for parents with large standup tents (for parties, not camping) to help provide shade for the water stations.
- Spirit Week is coming up soon (Monday – Fashion Disaster, Tuesday Red White Blue, Wed Sports, Thurs Pajamas, Fri Career). Flyers will be sent home with details.
- This year we will be doing a kindergarten Flyup day where students will see what the other grades are like (June 11th).
- There will also be the traditional fly-up day (last day of school June 15th) where students find out their teachers for next year.
- June 14th is Promotion aka Graduation for 5th Graders. 59 students will be moving on in a great ceremony.
- Did a tour of the Mobi classroom!
- Looks like August 25th will be a softball game to benefit Friends Fighting Autism
- Looks like August 25th may also be the Squantum Family Fun Day.
Now we’re starting to prep a bit for next year. In September/October the big things are always:
- Open House – get together with raffle / donated prizes / and a chance to meet everyone
- Photo Day – pictures
- Membership – collecting a fee from every parent in the school to support the PTO
- Halloween Dance